The Importance of Data Connectivity for IoT Devices (555)

Picture this: you decide to go away for a week with your family. You all could use some time away from the stressors of life and home, and so you book a week at a beach house a couple of hours away. You leave your beloved cat, Paws, at home. While you are gone, normal life does not stop. From your smartphone, you can monitor what is happening at your home. You can monitor the temperature of your home via your smart thermostat, and you can make adjustments accordingly. If someone stops by your house, your smart doorbell will notify you and record it. When your neighbor lets himself in to water your plants, you will hear a chime on your phone. When Paws needs to eat, you can feed him via his smart feeder. By the time you get home, everything will be in order and nothing will be a surprise. You can do all of this because your smartphone and your smart devices at home are all connected via an IoT , or an Internet of Things . IoTs have revolutionized our...